Friday, June 2, 2017

Citrus all-purpose cleaner

I did it!  Citrus all-purpose cleaner has been on my mind for a long time, but I never got around to do it.  Today, as I was making ponzu (Japanese style citrus dressing), I realized I just accumulated a bunch of lime peels.  Not wanting to accumulate trash, I remembered the recipe for a natural all-purpose cleaner using vinegar I read somewhere.

It is so simple that I don't even need to write down the recipe, which for me is a big deal since I am the see-forget type.  In other words, the fact that this super natural cleaner without any additional chemicals popped into my mind means I deserved of a pat on my back.

That said, recipe is to fill up a jar with citrus peels.  And citrus peals any type of citrus will do, i.e. lemon, lime, orange, key lime, etc.  For me, today I use lime peels.  If there are too little peels, just gradually accumulate them by storing the peels in the fridge.  Mixture of different citrus peels will make the smell a little different than just lemon or just orange.  But whichever that works for you.  Once the jar (I used a small jar) is loaded with citrus peels, then fill up the jar with vinegar.  I used distilled vinegar.  Any vinegar will do, but distilled vinegar is more cost-efficient.  Then keep the concoction in a dark place for 2-weeks.  Then strain the peels, and pour the solution into a spray bottle.  The cleaner is ready to go.

So, don't throw away your citrus peels, especially when making lemonade, limenade, orange juice or any type of citrus sauces.  It is economical and free of harmful chemicals.

Yay, guess I need another pat on my back.