Thursday, October 14, 2010

one meal, lots of nap and no manga

You must think I have a great life with lots of nap.  Actually I was sick, probably influenza.  I had fever, sore throat, chills, aching bones, headache and queasy stomach.  So, I didn't cook yesterday.  Actually, the day before I had to skip dinner.  My fever was getting bad to worse, and my body feeling weaker.  Then, yesterday, I just stayed in bed most of the time.  I felt drowsy and queasy---it was impossible to stand up.  Of course not to mention the headache which seemed to throb in tandem with my aching bones and body.  I really felt like I was dying.

By dinner time yesterday, I forced myself out of bed, and started preparing dinner.  I felt relatively fine.  The queasiness was not as severe and I felt guilty for not having prepared anything for the kids and my husband (he skipped lunch that day). 

So, after dragging myself out of bed, I decided to make soboro (ground meat with shoyu, sake and mirin/sato).  I had some chicken thighs which I planned to use that for satay.  But considering my pathetic condition, soboro seemed to be the easiest option.  However, I failed to consider the amount of fats that was still on the thighs, although I intentionally bought the ones that were de-bone.

It took me almost an hour to take care of that, while sitting on a stool.  It was impossible to stand that long with my condition.  By the time I got everything ready, it was 7:30 pm before we had dinner, which was later than usual.  We usually have our dinner aroun 6 pm.

On top of that, my daughter complained that the soboro was not as good as the one I usually make.  Ahhh...that goes to show you that it would have been better that I skip making dinner that night.

And of course with a killer headache, I didn't have a chance to catch up my usual manga.  Manga is just a selfish pleasure of mine to make all the work I put into household worthwhile.  Hahaha!!!

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