Friday, April 12, 2013

After meal dessert

Have you read the news about a teenager eating packet ramen for the last 13 years...and she is still alive!  That was my first thought.  Amazing...apparently she cannot even handle salads and fruits, but she can do with at least two packets of ramen per day.  And to top it all, her mummy buys boxes after boxes of ramen packets to satisfy her cravings.  Now, there is something wrong there.

You must be wondering what has packet ramen to do with maccha cupcakes?  Well, after I read the news, I thought there must be something wrong with mothers who encourage their kids to eat only ramen packets.  Then I realized, I fed my kids ramen packets too, two days in a row because I didn't have time to make snacks for them...ahhhggg...what a bad mother!  So, today, with quite a lot of effort and time, I squeezed in baking while preparing for dinner.  There was just too much...I made soup, baked parmesan chicken stuffed with garlic butter, asparagus rolled with ham, italian style cold slaw, and macha cupcakes, all in 3 hours...phew!  By the time we finished dinner, it was already 8:30 pm.  Yuta only ate half of the cake and was too tired to finish the rest.  Oh well, I guess he can have it for tomorrow's breakfast!  Hahaha!

You know, back to ramen packets...I always have some around (sort of emergency food!)  I think sometimes mothers get carried away because we get busy.  I was too busy working on taxes the last few days and didn't have time to prepare proper after school snacks.  So, I crank up the stove to heat a pot of water and throw in the ramen.  That is how easy it is to cook packet ramen.  And the kids love them.  But, I know it is not good to always rely on process food as such.  In short, I must try harder and make effort to make balance meals and healthy snacks for my kids!!!  Don't want them to become that teenager whom expert claimed that she is malnutrition and has IQ issues.

Anyway, in time, I'll try to link the recipe that goes with the picture.  So, give me some time before I do all that web jazz!

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